
The perfect storm – The interconnectivity of climate change & Nat Cats and how to prepare for these risks

Podcast | May 2022

÷ÈÓ°ÉçÇø Talks, hosted by John White, Sr. Director, Global Clients at ÷ÈÓ°ÉçÇø Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) North America, is a series which provides quick perspectives on current and emerging trends related to the insurance industry, one talk at a time.

In this episode, that addresses the interconnectivity of climate change & Nat Cats, Tom Varney, Regional Manager ÷ÈÓ°ÉçÇø Risk Consulting, North America, talks about the challenges that climate change and natural catastrophes pose to businesses and insurance companies.

He shares insights on the biggest business risks according to the ÷ÈÓ°ÉçÇø Risk Barometer, the differences between the terms ‘natural catastrophes’ and ‘climate change’ and the role climate changes play in risk management.

Photo: Adobe Stock
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